OTF Grant Supports Collaborative Justice Program: Restorative Justice Ottawa

MEDIA RELEASE March 29, 2022

Ottawa, ON — The staff, board members and supporters of Collaborative Justice Program: Restorative Justice Ottawa (CJP) are pleased to announce that the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) awarded a $69,200 Resilient Communities Fund grant to CJP in 2021. This grant has helped CJP fund staffing and operations costs and has supported the organization’s efforts to build a stronger, more peaceful community through restorative justice.

“I'd like to commend the Collaborative Justice Program on their justice work, which engages victims, offenders and their communities in restorative justice processes,” said Ottawa Centre MPP Joel Harden. “Their work has had a meaningful impact on the lives of many, and has brought understanding, reparation and healing. COVID has impacted their work and so I'm glad that the Ontario Trillium Foundation has supported them to rebuild and recover from the pandemic.”

With the generous support of OTF, CJP will continue its mission of ensuring that the restorative justice model is considered and applied in the Canadian justice system.

CJP opened its doors on September 1, 1998, as a demonstration project at the Ottawa Provincial Courthouse. The purpose of the pilot was to demonstrate that the application of a restorative approach in cases of serious adult or youth crime would provide a more satisfying experience of justice for all parties involved, including the victim(s), offender(s) and their communities. Since then, we have tackled hundreds of criminal cases before the Ottawa courts, where we keep compassion, accountability and truth telling at the forefront of every reparative process. The RJ approach is based on the belief that those affected by crime are capable of identifying their own needs and acting collaboratively to address them when they are included, treated with respect, and provided with the information, support and tools to do so. The underlying intention is that RJ processes can lead to healing and closure for all parties.

Kimberly Mann, Executive Director of CJP echoed the same sentiment and expressed, “The OTF’s Resilient Communities Fund grant couldn’t have come at a better time! As we navigated through the significant impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, this grant allowed our small charity to hire a caseworker, enabling CJP to extend its support to many more people in the aftermath of crime. In addition, the grant provided us with the means to acquire the expertise of an external fundraising consultant to support our program toward sustainable funding. We are immensely grateful to OTF for this grant and for supporting our mission and look forward to spreading more positivity in the Canadian justice system one case at a time through restorative justice.”

Following the successful completion of a home invasion case, the offender reflected on his experience: “It taught me to be strong and resilient; that every mistake big, or small can always be mended if only you put the efforts in and you have people willing to hear you out. I am now able to close that chapter of my life knowing that it ended with a happyending that I can be proud of!”

The Assistant Crown Attorney in the same case stated: “I was just reviewing your CJP Resolution Agreement and I wanted to get in touch to tell you how impressed I am with your work on that file (as with all files) and to say that the restorative justice achieved for the victims and the accused in this case far exceeded the best hopes I had when I approved it for CJP. In my view, this case is a shining example of the great work that you and your team do, withlasting and meaningful results.”

For more information about the work of CJP, or how to advance our mission, please contact Eric Granger ateric@gghlawyers.ca, 613-288-2890.

The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is an agency of the Government of Ontario, and one of Canada’s leadinggranting foundations. Last year, nearly $112M was invested into 1,384 community projects and partnerships to buildhealthy and vibrant communities and strengthen the impact of Ontario’s non‐profit sector. In 2020/21, OTF supported Ontario’s economic recovery by helping non‐profit organizations rebuild and recover from the impacts of COVID‐19. Visit otf.ca to learn more.

Collaborative Justice Program: Restorative Justice Ottawa Courthouse, c/o Crown Attorney’s Office, 161 Elgin Street, Ottawa, ON K2P 2K1 www.collaborativejustice.ca Charitable Number: 81781 6200 RR0001

CJP Ottawa